Kalamazoo Area High School Skating Team
Jessica LaPorte – Coach | Julie Elias – Team Manager

2023 Team Pictured: Ella Pickett, Ashley Neirmeyer, Tenley Douma, Sloan Markin, Coach Jessica LaPorte, Ann Cook, Kimmy Lassitter, Ellie Munden, and Kristina Elias.
District 4 end of Season results
A team 3rd place
B team 3rd place
“Kalamazoo Area” is comprised of many skaters and schools within the area. Past teams consisted of skaters from many of the area schools: Climax, Schoolcraft, Mattawan, Portage, Kalamazoo, Hackett, Kalamazoo Christian and Three Rivers. Our High School Team is open to ANY skater enrolled in Grades 9 – 12. We welcome and encourage high school age skaters to participate in this awesome opportunity to get to know other skaters in our area and work as a team.
For more information please contact Jessica LaPorte: j8houk@hotmail.com or (269)720-6370